Remember that time in the 70’s when Godzilla was shrunken down by Ant-Man, fought the Fantastic Four and the Avengers as he grew large again, traveled through time twice, and even had his photo snapped by good ol’ Spider-Man? You don’t?!?! Well it’s true! Not only did Godzilla have his very own 24-issue Marvel comic, but it’s ALL in continuity.
So come join Vince, Chris, and Kia as they relive the finale of this insane series and see just how our big green dino-friend fit himself into the Marvel Universe.
There’s more than one way to skin an evil murderous robot. Vince, Chris, and Kia took a look back at a couple of classic Ultron stories written 30 years apart to see just how things have changed in the comic book world.
LISTEN in amazement as they discuss differences between the movies and the comics and try to wrap their heads around exactly what the heck is going on with the Avengers.
This episode: Avengers Vol. 1 #66-68 [1969], Avengers Vol. 3 #19-22 (Ultron Unlimited) [1999]
Next episode: Marvel's Godzilla: King of the Monsters #20-24 [1979]