Batman embarks on a search for the mysterious “Holiday” Killer who, starting on Halloween, kills mobsters on major holidays until Batman finally catches Holiday a year later…
Wait, a year?!?! Better improve those detective skills, Bruce.
To be fair, he gets distracted by every single member of his rogues gallery and on top of all that he has to watch Harvey Dent go crazy and turn into Two-Face.
Join us as we read The Long Halloween and disagree completely on just about every aspect of this story!
Kids run away for lots of reasons, but most of the time it’s because they find out their parents are supervillains, right? Right?!
Brian K. Vaughan (Saga, Y: The Last Man, Ex Machina) brings us one of Marvel’s most original superhero teams since the 60’s and one of the greatest entry points for any reader into the wonderful world of comic books.