Have you ever heard of the Avengers? Well they’re FOREVER. They fought dinosaurs in the wild west and they tried to stop Skrull Nixon in the ‘50s.
Kurt Busiek chronicles their foreverventures in Avengers: Forever, a 12-issue limited series from the late ’90s.
As far as I can tell, it’s about 2 Hank Pyms stopping 3 Kangs, or something like that. We read the first 6 issues of Forever + the finale of Secret Wars with issue 12! We’ll miss that floating suburb of Denver!
Next Time: Avengers Forever 7-12 + Uncanny X-Men 183 (Secret Wars epilogue)
Detective Comics just released their milestone 1000th issue, so of course we had to read it! But of course we had to take a look back in time and visit the first appears of Batman aka “The Bat-Man” in Detective Comics #27 as well.
Did Detective Comics #1000 do better or worse than Action Comics #1000?
Then we approach the end of Secret Wars with issue #11.
Next Time: Avengers Forever (1998) 1-6 + Secret Wars Finale!