Babyhands. This dude has babies for hands. I know this was supposed to be about Wanda and Vision and their weird magic babies or whatever, but as soon as this guy came on the scene he stole the whole damn show like he stole those babies. BABYHANDS.
This was from West Coast Avengers 50-52 and 56-57, which was a strange selection of issues.
Over in Squadron Supreme #10, we get some spies on the team!
Next Time: Superman & Lois Lane tie the knot in Superman: The Wedding Album (1996)
Somehow, we'd never read The Death of Gwen Stacy for the show, so we rectified that by reading Amazing Spider-Man #121 & 122.
We also read "What If Spider-Man Had Rescued Gwen Stacy?" from What If #24. Special thanks to Uatu who hooked us up with this story, it's good to know that Peter Parker makes dumb decisions no matter what happens.
We also continued with Squadron Supreme #9 in which a member of the team dies!
Next Time: Scarlet Witch & Vision find out the truth about their children in West Coast Avengers #50-52/56-57